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Tools to enhance your business writing skills

Once you start making a name for yourself writing for your business, you may start finding yourself running out of ideas, making subtle mistakes, or missing out on topic opportunities. 

Most industries generate enough content to work with, but everyone can use a helping hand, especially when just getting started. As you continue to master your craft, you may find yourself utilizing more tools to help enhance your business writing skills. 

Contrary to popular belief, writing tools aren’t just for students writing 20-page essays, they are effective for people looking to publish their content in their respective fields. 

Here are some of the most useful tools to improve your business writing skills: 

Topic Suggestion Tool

Choosing a topic in your field of business can sound easy on the surface, but the truth is, it’s just as easy to run out of unique ideas. Not to mention writer’s block can sometimes hit you right at the worst possible time. The Topic Suggestion Tool is designed specifically for this issue. The program is relatively simple, just enter keywords associated with your business and apply filters to get new ideas. Also, check out online forums on your respective field and see what buzz is being generated related to your business platform. 


It isn’t always easy to find enough terms to make your article text-rich and meaningful. Wordcounter can help you find repetitions and redundant language in your writing, allowing you to find ways to change things up and make things more unique. It’s also helpful to keep track of how long your articles are, as some publishing platforms prefer content of a particular length. This can also help you avoid making content that is too short or too long. 

Readability Test Tool

One of the biggest issues amateur writers face is creating content that is digestible to your audience. Oftentimes the way we think about a topic in our minds doesn’t translate perfectly “onto paper,” especially if you’re an expert in your business field and have a tendency to use complicated or unconventional language. With a Readability Test Tool, you can examine the readability of your article. After all, you don’t want your work to be too complicated to understand. One of the main purposes of business writing is to deliver a message in a simple yet informative way. Avoid using difficult and specialized words and check your readability regularly. 

Plagiarism Checker

When writing original content, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll run into issues with plagiarism. However, occasionally, you may reference other material or sources to support your article. This in of itself isn’t plagiarism, but it is still important to note that you aren’t using language too similar to your source while also making sure you cite said source. The Plagiarism Checker can negate this issue. 

Grammar Checker

Spellcheck is a great built-in tool, but can often miss nuances or contextual errors in your writing. There are a number of great, free grammar checkers that can offer suggestions to optimize and improve your grammar while correcting any mistakes. Even the most seasoned writers can miss a well-placed comma. 

Not all of these tools are necessary to be a good writer. Rather, they are supports for people getting started or those who just want the extra insurance that their writing is solid. These are simply suggestions for those who would like to use them. Otherwise, practice, practice, practice is the key to being a successful writer.